Greens ensure Heritage lights are installed in Norfolk Road conservation area.
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Amey street lighting and road works are now taking place in and around the Norfolk Road conservation area. This covers Norfolk Road, Talbot Street, Talbot Gardens, Talbot Place, Belmonte Gardens, Fitzwalter Road, Glencoe Road, Claywood Road, Claywood Drive, Stafford Road and Stafford Lane. There has been no community consultation whatsoever and our councillors have not been informed what is happening. Norfolk Park falls under the B64 Norfolk Park Zone, and Andrew Staniforth is the Community Steward for this area. I’ve been trying since 13 December for a public meeting BEFORE the work takes place – I’ll post up here when I hear back from him.
We have received the following reply from Amey regarding Heritage street lights in the Norfolk Road conservation area. There still seems to be some confusion with Fitzwalter Road and Norfolk Road. We still await the map showing exactly where each post is going. But we have persuaded Amey to put heritage lights on Talbot Place, Glencoe Road, Claywood Drive and Stafford Road.
Thank you for your complaint that we received on 5 January 2017. We take all complaints seriously and try to use them to make our services better.
Your complaint is regarding the installation of heritage lanterns within the S2 area. I am Jonathan Skill, Principal Operations Manager for the Streets Ahead contract and I am responsible for the street lighting upgrade works across the city. I have investigated your complaint and I am writing to inform you of my findings.
I apologise that the incorrect information provided has caused concern for residents in the area.
Please see below lamp lanterns that will be used on all roads that you have stated.
- Talbot Street – LED lanterns will be installed as did not meet criteria for heritage.
- Talbot Gardens – Off project network, will be replaced like for like with LED lanterns
- Talbot Place – Heritage lanterns to be installed as met criteria.
- Belmonte Gardens – LED lanterns to be installed as did not meet criteria for heritage.
- Fitzwalter Road – Planned to install heritage lanterns, however, approval has been given to install 8metre columns which do not support this lamp standard.
- Glencoe Road – Heritage lanterns to be installed as met criteria.
- Claywood Road – LED lanterns to be installed as did not meet criteria for heritage.
- Claywood Drive – Heritage lanterns to be installed as met criteria.
- Stafford Road – Heritage lanterns to be installed as met criteria.
- Stafford Lane – LED lanterns to be installed as did not meet criteria for heritage.
With regards to your concerns regarding the installation of a column located at the rear of your property on Claywood Drive, we are required to ensure that the area is lit to the required standard. As stated in the list above Claywood Drive is to have heritage lanterns installed which includes the column of concern.
I can confirm that we have checked our records and I can see that you made an enquiry on the 13 December 2016 asking who the Community Steward was for your area. I have attached a copy of our response to this email. Please provide us with a contact telephone number and I will request that Andrew Staniforth the Community Steward for B64 Norfolk Park zone contacts you.
I hope that my response answers your complaint fully and I have explained the reasons for my decision. At this stage you do have the right to ask for your complaint to be reviewed by a more senior manager.
To request this please contact me via or by telephone on (0114) 273 4567, giving details of why you are not satisfied and what further action you want to be taken.
Kind regards
Jonathan Skill
Principal Operations Manager
Customer Services (Amey)
Tel: 0114 273 4567
Has Tylney Rd been considered for the Heritage lighting?? I understood that Tylney Rd was part of the conservation area.
Unfortunately Tylney Rd isn’t in the conservation area. I have a map on my computer that I can post later.
There are more details about Norfolk Road Conservation Area here.–conservation/conservation/conservationareas/norfolk-road.html. You can also download a map of the area.